Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What Are The Requirements In California For A Car To Be Classified As A Lemon?

In California, if you had bought a new car and by any chance, it is not working properly, the buyer has complete right to ask for the replacement or the refund of the full amount. But if the owner has received the warranty in written, in case of used vehicles, Lemon law for used cars in California will be applicable. This is applicable due to the practice of Lemon Law in California given by federal laws. So, the question arises that what makes your car the lemon car? Here are the requirements which are to be followed in order to classify your car as a lemon car:


This segment of the law is applied to the complete period in which the vehicle was under the warranty norms. For example: if the car had the warranty period of five years, and there is some defect in the car recognized in the third year, you are eligible to ask for either option i.e. either repair or compensation and refund.

Number of repairs

In order to be classified as a lemon car, the minimum number of the repairs a car to go through is four. The mechanic should be authorized and the repair should be done for something significant.

Number of days

For classifying your vehicle as a lemon vehicle, it should be busted for at least 30 days. Consecutiveness of the days is not necessary though.

For more details about Lemon law Lawyer in Florida please visit our website:


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