Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Top 8 requirements of the Lemon car from the perspective of the Idaho Law

Idaho lemon law is implemented to cover the new passenger vehicle, vans, SUVs and other trucks that are less than 12,000 pounds. It also covers for the used vehicles, if the vehicle is sold with warranty. If the vehicle should be considered under the law, it needs to have some of the requirements as follows.

1. The vehicle should be licensed or purchased in Idaho
2. It should not confirm the seller's express warranty
3. It might have a substantial defect that affects the car’s safety, value or use
4. You have to notify the manufacturer through the certified mail and they also should have some opportunity for making the final repair attempt
5. The vehicle should be used for some purposes like household, family or individual purposes or it can also be used for the personal business needs
6. It should have a life-threatening issue like braking failure. Courts also consider steering wheel issue as a life-threatening issue
7. It must have been taken four times to the service center rectify the same problem
8. The vehicle must have been in the service center for more than 30 business days (cumulative total)
9. Also, in some cases like the warranty is being expired or the delivery date has passed more than two years and the running of the vehicle would have exceeded 24,000 miles.

Final thoughts

Only when you are aware of the requirements, you will be able to know to effectively use the Lemon Law in Idaho with the help of an expert attorney.

For more details about Federal Lemon Law please visit our website:


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