Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Magnusson-Moss Act – A True Savior for Distressed Consumers

When buying any appliance like a microwave or even a car, there are certain expectations that a consumer has. He needs assurance that the money he paid is worth the investment. A warranty is one such assurance he gets with his purchase. But what of the appliance or car doesn’t perform as per the warranty of standard expectation?

He can resort to Magnuson Moss Warranty Act. Today we take a look at its basics and how it protects the consumers.

Here are a few pointers we need to know about the act. First off, this act stipulates the manufacturers to disclose the warranty on products. The disclosure should not be complex or jargon-heavy. Instead, it should be easily understandable by the consumer.

Also, all terms should be disclosed in their entirety. The manufacture cannot have disclaimers to override the warranty and thus put the consumer in a difficult position. The full disclosure is with the intention to benefit the consumers and keep the manufacturers accountable for the quality of their products like electrical appliances or vehicles.

Lastly, there shouldn’t be any ambiguous statement in the terms and conditions that accompany the warranty.

To sign off

This was all you needed to know about the federal Magnuson Moss Act. The act is applicable irrespective of which state in the US you reside in. Get the help of a skilled lawyer to help you win the case under this federal act.

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