Wednesday, July 22, 2020

What to expect after winning a Lemon Law?

Not every person who files new of used car Lemon Law in Arizona gets what they rightfully deserved from the manufacturer. However, if you have won a Lemon Law claim on your new car, then it is certainly an accomplishment. 
You can give all the credits to the excellent lawyer that you hired in the first place and later pat your back for gathering evidence to support your claim. 
Once you prevail, here is what you should expect to happen next.
1- Choose your remedy:
Once the case gets ruled in your favor, you will be offered the option to choose a remedy that you want; it could be either a replacement or a refund. With a refund, you will receive the amount that you paid for the vehicle after the deduction. With replacement, you get entitled to receive a similar model or valued vehicle.  
2- Expect reimbursement and out-of-pocket expenses:
No matter what remedy you choose, the manufacturer will reimburse additional costs related to your lemon law case. Moreover, all the emanated legal fees will be paid by the manufacturer. 
3- No more waiting game:
Manufacturers lawfully get commanded to issue the refunds immediately. If they take exceptionally long to settle the payment, then you can prove the violation and get entitled to receive a substantial amount (penalty included). 
Bottom line
Winning a lemon law is not always easy, so make sure to celebrate this victory of your entitlement. 
File your Arizona Used Car Lemon Law only through Allen Stewart if you want to win your case with proper guidance.
To know more about Used Vehicle Lemon Law please visit our website:


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