Sometimes cars are sold fraudulently. This mostly happens in the case of used vehicles. You may end up with a lemon if you are not aware. Several complaints arise later. Dealers try to sell used cars without disclosing the defects.
What do you do when you have a lemon on hand? Relax, the laws also favor used cars. You get relief in the form of Arizona Used Cars Lemon Law.
The provisions of Arizona lemon law
The Lemon law provides relief for used vehicles. However, there are certain conditions, such as
1 – For used cars
You can benefit from the provisions of lemon law for your used car. You have to comply with a 15 day or 500 mile coverage period. You also have to pay around $25 for the first two repairs. After this, you will get the amount you paid for buying the vehicle if it turns out to be a lemon.
2 -The type of vehicles covered
Whether used or new, the lemon law applies to newly bought cars. Some provisions apply for motorhomes, but only to the vehicle and the chassis. It excludes living facilities. Besides, Arizona Lemon Law will not apply if your car weighs over 10,000 pounds or purchased from an auction.
To conclude
Lemon laws are simple, but dealers may play hard. It is wise to seek legal help for Used Car Lemon Law in Arizona. Attorneys understand your rights and seek the best compensation for you.
To know more about Lemon Law in Oklahoma please visit our website:
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