It is wise for affected consumers to take legal recourse. Make the smart move and seek legal assistance. Some people think about the charges. You can relax as far as the fee part goes. Let's understand how the provisions make it easy for you.
The payment of legal fees provisions
Firstly, you can walk in for a consultation with a reputable attorney as there are no upfront charges.
In court cases, each party pays its legal costs. However, the lemon law new cars in Florida case is different.
1 – On a contingency basis
A good lawyer takes a brief only when your claim is genuine. The lawyer represents you and will accept a part of the proceeds as legal compensation. It is known as a contingency basis.
2 - The fee-shifting provision
Secondly, there is the fee-shifting provision. Here, the defendant/ manufacturer pays the fees of your attorney. Here, the advantage to the lawyer is they get an individual claim to lemon law fees.
To wrap it up
Your case's merits work in your favor, so you need not worry about the fee part. Consult a trustworthy law firm to represent your claim under Lemon Law New Cars in Florida.
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