Buying a car is an investment that cannot be taken lightly, and it isn't very pleasant if you have to take your car to the repair shop frequently. This can put a damper on the initial happiness of buying a new car. To protect customers from facing such difficulties when they buy used cars, the state of Arizona and the federal law have come up with Arizona used car lemon law. This blog will explain all the things you should know about the used car lemon law in Arizona.
1- What is the Arizona lemon law?
Suppose you have to take your car frequently to the dealership within the first few months of buying the new car for the same problem. Then you're eligible to apply under the Arizona lemon law. The car must be under the original warranty of the automobile manufacturer of two years or must have been driven for less than 24,000 miles or whichever comes first.
2- What is Arizona used car lemon law?
Though you take a used car for lemon, you cannot get the benefits you'd get when you take a new car. You're given a 15 day or 500 miles coverage period if you feel your car is lemon. You have to pay only for the first two repairs, which can be totaled $25. If you find out that your car is lemon after this, you'd only be paid the amount that you paid for the lemon car.
Wrapping up
Get in touch with a professional lawyer from Allen Stewart to know more about the Arizona used car lemon law.
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