Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Benefits of Buyback under Lemon Law in Colorado

If you're considering purchasing a new vehicle, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is whether or not to purchase extended warranty protection. Warranties come in all shapes and sizes; however, the most popular type of extended warranty is called a "Lemon Law" buyback plan. 

These plans give consumers an opportunity to file a claim if their vehicle has been deemed "lemon" by either the manufacturer or a designated third party. So the court mandates the auto manufacturer to buy it back, i.e., pay the amount back to a frustrated lemon car buyer.

Benefits of a Lemon Law Buyback

There are a few benefits that you stand to gain by purchasing a lemon law buyback. 

[1] First, if your vehicle is considered a lemon, you will have the ability to file a claim. This way, you get to receive the vehicle's purchase price back from the manufacturer or dealership. 

[2] Second, you will be reimbursed for your expenses when your vehicle was deemed a lemon car in Colorado. So the court relief will consider all expenses towards towing and repair at the workshop.

[3] Third, and perhaps most importantly, in some cases, you will be entitled to a cash settlement in lieu of your vehicle! This is known as a "total loss" remedy.

We regularly provide more information on buyback and related topics like Colorado duplicate title cars. Stay tuned to our blogs for more helpful information for our team at Allen Stewart. 

To know more about Ford buyback program 2020 please visit our website:


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