Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Is It Possible To Disable Odometers From Reading Mileage?

Millions of vehicles are sold in the United States each year. According to federal estimates, a high number of those vehicles have been altered illegally. 

One of the most common frauds is odometer tampering. Fraudsters illegally tamper the reading on the odometers to sell at higher prices.

This blog looks at how odometer reading are taken and the process of disabling odometers to show reduced mileage.

What Is Odometer Reading?

An odometer is an instrument in your car that records the total miles/ kilometers the car has traveled during its lifetime. 

Taking a reading from the odometer is a simple process. Read the number displayed on the small rectangle indicator, usually located near the speedometer.

That is the number of miles the car has clocked in its life.

How To Disable Odometers From Reading Mileage?

Below are the steps to disable odometers to stop them from reading mileage. This guide is only meant to show how fraudsters commit auto fraud.

1 – Locate The Odometer Fuse.

Identifying the correct fuse for the Odometer among the many fuses for other functions might be tricky. 

2 – Remove The Fuse

Once you identify the right fuse, you can take it out carefully, using a tool for fuse removal. You will see that the odometer mileage will immediately stop reading.

3 – Final Inspection

Now that you have disabled your odometer, you need to carefully inspect and ensure that all the other fuses are installed to avoid problems with the other functions of the car.


Disabling an odometer is a simple process, which makes tampering easy. If you feel that you have been a victim of odometer fraud, reach out to the attorneys at Allen Stewart.

To know more about New Car breaking in please visit our website: allenstewart.com


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