Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Things You Need to Know About Trade Practices Act

Trade practices act, commonwealth legislation, is set in place to promote fair trading for almost all types of businesses in the US. 

According to the act, businesses are bound by the laws to work under a certain set of guidelines. They are prohibited from practicing certain practices like price fixing, market sharing, misleading advertising, and unconscionable conduct. The law also outlaws the cartels and deals with anti-competitive behaviors and misuse of power. 

Talking about the Texas consumer protection act, it is created to protect consumers against deceptive business practices, breaches of warranty, false and misleading advertising, etc.

Guidelines for Texas consumer protection in case of deceptive trade practices

Before you file a claim to seek the damages under the act, you must send a certified written letter notice describing to the seller what is wrong as well as ask for the reimbursement of your damage. The notice should guide the reseller with reasonable detail of your specific complaint along with expenses that were a result of the damage caused. 

If the seller fails to provide you with the requested amount within 60 days of receiving the letter, then you can proceed to file the suit under the trade practice act. Once the suit is filed, you can request all the damages that were a result of the deceptive trade practice.

The remedies can include emotional and mental anguish damage, an injunction, additional damage, court and attorney’s cost, etc. 

Over to you

Do you want to file a suit against the dealership under the Texas consumer protection act for deceptive trade practices? Consider connecting with Allen Stewart.

To know more about How odometer works please visit our website: allenstewart.com


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