Monday, February 11, 2019

3 Tips to win a lemon law case

Ohio Lemon Law Attorneys come in extremely handy when you have faced a sour deal in the car purchase process. In case of lemon cars, it is vital to prepare and study the case tightly for a successful claim in the court. To help with this task here are some tips for a better likelihood of extracting a claim filed against the dealer or manufacturer.

1. Explain everything

From the date the car was delivered to you, all the problems faced by you should be noted down. Every detail regarding the repair and the findings of the repair must be described in the claim.

2. Maintain the records

Check and go through the records maintained by the dealer the dates, the timings, number of time repair is attempted by them. Give the description of every record and what were the steps taken by the dealer in order to solve them.

3. Choose the right attorney

Choosing a trusted lemon law attorney in Ohio can result in making the work easier for your claim. The attorney with a good experience will make sure that there is no fee charged from you by the court.

Parting thoughts

A competent lemon law attorney has the skills and knowledge that would ensure your claim to be a success. This will help you win the case and entitle you to a refund or a replacement by the dealer.

To know more about Used Vehicle Lemon Law please visit our website:

Why choose a lemon law attorney?

You can enlist the assistance of a Lemon Law Florida Attorney to fight injustice served to you in the form of buying a lemon car. You may want to fight the case yourself, but considering the defendant would have a team of lawyers ready for you, it will be a smart move to connect with a lemon lawyer and strengthen your case.

Benefits provided by lemon law attorney:

Inspection by an expert of the car

An attorney may have an expert mechanic who can inspect the vehicle with the best outcome. The findings by their inspection can be different from the one done by the dealer. This will benefit your lemon case.

No charge for representation

A lemon law attorney in Florida can represent your complaint against the dealer for free. The attorney will look after all cost advances for the court. Legal work and inspection will be handled by them no charges from your side even, if the results of the case are positive or negative.

Favorable and fast results

To get the best leverage for a favorable settlement an attorney is needed. Choose a trusted attorney who will make sure to work hard and fetch your case the best results in a timely manner.

To sign off

An attorney plays a vital role in a lemon law case as they know the in and outs of the field and possess immense experience in this niche. They can do the legal work and the inspection with ease.

To know more about Car Lemon Law please visit our website:

How to determine if a car is lemon?

Sometimes the car you have bought after a lot of research and budgeting may be riddled with manufacturing defects which reduces its safety, value, and utility. With defects such as bad braking, or airbags issue, it is a sign that you have bought a lemon car. But that doesn’t mean that the lemon law agrees with you. Today we take a look at what constitutes a lemon car.

What makes a car a lemon car?

A lemon law refers to
1 – A car having substantial defect within the warranty period of the purchase
2 – The car continues to have the defects even after a number of attempts repairs are done by the dealer or manufacturer.

Let’s explore these factors in detail:

(1) Substantial defect

A substantial defect is a problem that is not caused by the owner’s usage but due to the manufacturer’s mistake. Such defects include problematic braking, steering, etc., which is concerned with the safety of the car. Minor defects such as loose radio knobs are not included in the Lemon Law California.

(2) A reasonable number of repairs done

A car may be considered as a lemon after there are a reasonable number of attempts done for repair. Generally, lemon law used cars in California approves 4 tries at repairs as a judicious number.

To sign off

Knowing these factors is important to make a correct assessment if your faulty car is a lemon car or otherwise.

To know more about Lemon Law New Car please visit our website:

How to file a lemon law complaint in Texas?

A car is deemed as a lemon when it has an impactful defect and a reasonable number of attempts for repair aren’t able to resolve the issue. In order to fight the case against the manufacturer, you can consult a Lemon Law Attorney for a quick and fair judgment without any hassle. Here are some tips to fight the case against the manufacturer if your car is a lemon.

How long to wait before filing a complaint?

1. Before the warranty of the car expires.
2. You may consult a lemon law attorney and then file a complaint within 24 months of the purchase.
3. The car must be driven less than 24,000 miles from the date of delivery.

The procedure for complaint

If the reasonable attempt for repair is done and even after that there is a fault in your car, it can be deemed as a lemon. No fee is required while repairs were done under warranty. All you need to do is file a complaint to the dealer via certified mail. It is necessary to have complete details of the deal in the mail. It is advised to keep repair records and warranty details ready for reference.

To sign off

After filing the complaint there will be lemon law hearing to prove that your car is a lemon. Once it is proved you may get a refund or replacement. Make sure to hire a top lemon law attorney for effective redressal.

To know more about Lemon Law Texas Used Car please visit our website:

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How the Lemon Law in Nevada Work?

Lemon law is enacted to protect the rights of the consumer. In Nevada, a car is considered as a lemon when the defect of the car has not been repaired even after 4 reasonable numbers of attempts. When the car is under warranty or is within one year of the delivery from the dealer, this qualifies the car to be a lemon.
If the authorized dealer or the car’s manufacturer is not able to fix the defects, then you need to file a complaint. Let us explore the further procedure in a lemon law case.

Filing a complaint
If your car fulfills the requirements of a lemon car then you can file a complaint against the dealer. After the very moment, your car is proved to be a lemon in court and wins the case. Then it will result in either replacement of the car with the new one or you will get a refund including the taxes, registration fees and the whole amount paid by you.

Hiring an attorney in Nevada
An attorney for lemon law in Nevada can benefit your case with their expertise and specialization in lemon law. For that, you need to check the success rate and the experience of the attorney.

To conclude 
Hiring an attorney for Lemon Law in Nevada makes the whole process simpler and hassle-free. The law here only applies to brand new vehicles and thus by doing this, it protects the rights of the consumer.

To know more about Lemon Lawyers please visit our website:

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What Are The Requirements In California For A Car To Be Classified As A Lemon?

In California, if you had bought a new car and by any chance, it is not working properly, the buyer has complete right to ask for the replacement or the refund of the full amount. But if the owner has received the warranty in written, in case of used vehicles, Lemon law for used cars in California will be applicable. This is applicable due to the practice of Lemon Law in California given by federal laws. So, the question arises that what makes your car the lemon car? Here are the requirements which are to be followed in order to classify your car as a lemon car:


This segment of the law is applied to the complete period in which the vehicle was under the warranty norms. For example: if the car had the warranty period of five years, and there is some defect in the car recognized in the third year, you are eligible to ask for either option i.e. either repair or compensation and refund.

Number of repairs

In order to be classified as a lemon car, the minimum number of the repairs a car to go through is four. The mechanic should be authorized and the repair should be done for something significant.

Number of days

For classifying your vehicle as a lemon vehicle, it should be busted for at least 30 days. Consecutiveness of the days is not necessary though.

For more details about Lemon law Lawyer in Florida please visit our website:

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Is The Lender Responsible Under Lemon Law As Well?

As per the lemon law, if the car is been purchased by using any financial plan provided by the lenders and the vehicle in the car is the authorized lemon car, then the lender, in this case, will not be held responsible. The person held responsible, in case of any defect in the vehicle when it is in the warranty period, is the holder of the warranty which is usually the car manufacturer. For solving the disputes between the buyer and the car dealer, a person is been specialized known as Lemon Law Attorney.

Under the local lemon laws, due to any reason if you file a case for collecting on your vehicle, then you have to continue with the payments till the time the case is not been settled i.e. lenders must get their payments on time. If not then the repercussions might be there and high possibility is there that the rights of the purchaser of the vehicle may be forgone under the norms of law.

It's highly advisable to take into account the lender before pursuing the lemon law claim so as to know the reaction of the lender and to know how the loan will be affected if you go for the replacement of the vehicle for any remedy. So before entering into the contract with the lender, make sure to ask for all the details for every situation which may arise.

For more details about Lemon law in Ohio  please visit our website:

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